Teeth whitening kit

Benefits Of Teeth Whitening Kits

Most over-the-counter whitening products use low concentrations of hydrogen peroxide, while cosmetologists use higher concentrations for faster, more effective results. In-room teeth whitening is the most effective because it uses a whitening treatment that contains up to 40% hydrogen peroxide, while most store-bought whitening products and kits typically contain no more than 10%. Over-the-counter whitening […]

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Impacts of gut health on your whole body

To learn more, you need to understand what gut microbes are and how the food you eat affects your overall health. Leslie Bonci, M.D., RD, CSSD, LDN, author of the American Dietetic Association Guidelines for Better Digestion and founder of Nutrition Consulting Company Active Eating Advice, explained that the gut microbiome refers to bacteria and […]

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korean food

3 foods to watch out for in 2020

In 2020, we predict you will see food trends leaning away from indulgence and into a more health-minded area, and with promises like better gut health and greater nutrient-density, adding these so-called healthful foods to your diet might seem like a no-brainer. But not all of the dishes, ingredients, proteins, and vitamins are created equal. […]

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